VHDL Library of Arithmetic Units
A comprehensive library of arithmetic units written in synthesizable VHDL code has been developed. The library contains components for a variety of arithmetic operations and for different speed requirements. The library components are implemented as circuit generators in parameterized structural VHDL code. Their modular and well-documented source code allows for simple usage and easy customization. Highly efficient circuit architectures are used, which are optimized for synthesis and cell-based design. In particular, the implemented adder architectures are more flexible and have better performance than the ones typically used in commercial products. This public domain VHDL library is platform independent, and it provides circuits with comparable performance, but higher flexibility and a larger diversity of arithmetic operations compared to commercial data path libraries.
منابع مشابه
Vhdl Models of Digital Combinatorial Circuits on the Current - Mode Gates
This paper deals with problems of logical level designing, modelling and simulations of digital, combinatorial circuits, which are based on the current mode gates – new digital elements operating with constant, continuous power supply current. For the modelling and simulation purpose some elements of standard Active – VHDL library IEEE1164 were changed. All designed circuits (one and four bits ...
متن کاملHigh-Performance Adder Circuit Generators in Parameterized Structural VHDL
In ASIC design, arithmetic components are usually selected from tooland technology-dependent libraries providing very limited flexibility and choice of circuit structures. With the possibility of parameterized structural circuit descriptions at the gate-level in VHDL, versatile circuit generators can be implemented which are highly independent of tool platforms and design technologies. This ena...
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In this paper we present a VHDL code generator for a complex multiplier. The complex multiplier is based on a bit-parallel version of distributed arithmetic which reduces the hardware by nearly half compared to a straightforward implementation based on real multipliers. We choose an Overturned-Stairs adder tree to perform the summations in distributed arithmetic. The tree has a regular structur...
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This paper describes two architectures for designing asynchronous NULL Convention Logic (NCL) Booth2 multipliers. The first is better suited for a non-pipelined implementation, while the second is best for a high throughput pipelined realization. The two architectures are compared in terms of area and speed, using a gate-level NCL VHDL library with gate delays generated from physical level simu...
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This paper describes a library of parameterized arithmetic operators for manipulating high-dynamic numbers on FPGA. It support both floating-point and logarithmic representations. Along with its direct interest, that library allow application-specific comparisons of those two number representation systems. It is unbiased in the sense that it tends to reflect the state-of-the-art for both number...
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